and last bt not least,
<33FRIENDS.comeon face it.who can live without fwens?well certainly not me xD.hehe love yall loads!
<33FAMILY.hehe ah duh i love my famliy!!!
<33PENGUINS AH i just love the penguin species in general.cute fluffy little things..just TOTALLY adorable xD
<33LAPTOP ask me to live without it,i'd rather die.I NEED MY MSN AND BLOG AND STUFF!!!
<33HANDPHONEi JUST need to sms ok.
<33NETBALL!!!ah isnt it just like the coolest sport ever?too bad cnt make it to de netball i'll always treasure the memories of primary netball team de xD
<33FUN!!! hu likes a boring life?a little fun sure spices things up!
that special person to be happy forever..
not to make people angry anymore..
no one will be mad at me..
a world full of laughter..
new slippers!
white shorts!
nicenice tee!
a BIG soft toy de penguin
new school shoes[de nike de!]
new sling bag!!!
nice handphone pouch
go watch happy feet
FREAKS/IDIOTS the world can do without you ok.get lost la.
FAKERS stop faking la.everyone cn c ur juz nothing bt a faker.stuck up freak.
INSECTS well i mean most if de insect la..cant stand disgusting
DOGS WITHOUT LEASHES haha cux im afraid of them..=[
NERDS come on get and life and haf some fun la..dun bury your noses in book forever cn ornot.
PPL HU BREAK THEIR PROMISES i jus hate this kind of ppl.
*SHOOSHOO* get OUT frm my life!!
ok saw this on alot ppls de blog so i shall do it too(sorry for being a copycat!=[)
[in no order] CZ!haha ur my err longest fwen i guess..always full of humor and u'll juz great!SUPER FUNNY AND NICE!
15!my best mate in p5 and p6!!!WHEEE JUZ LOVE YOU LOADS!!!you're always there for me and haha sometimes quite lame xD
DAANNY!AHHH!!!one of my BEST crap mate!!!!!SO CUTE LARH YOU!!!!LOVE YOU LOADS!!!haha quite lame bt SUPER FUNNY!!!
ANQI! HAHA DE SUPER TALL GAL!!!hehe supersupersuper funny and childish and nice!!!also super cute abd err quite hyper!!!
WEIYI!hehe as lame as me person!!!!!hehe SUPER FUNNY CUTE AND HYPER!!!hehe and in love with er whts dat thing's name?i forget=D
AMANDA TAI ha de one hu always dress until very nice and shi mao de xD and veryveryvery good at toking!!!!hehe super funny sometimes and ULTRA HYPER!